Our lives are about who we are in the core and what we can reach to become. All we are and can attain is in our belonging with the Gods and when this is set in real traditions then it is valuable for Life’s experiences and become honoured and saved. We hail this as The Mights and our existence in Life’s highest law;

Life that is worthy to live.


That our all too filthy foes, since their unwished mix-in here some thousands of years back, have their illegal reasons for attacking our valuable differences and identities inside all The Gods clean Folk; hindering our world’s heritage and our honourable history with the purpose to strike down all differences; valuable and lovable, will be viewed carefully and openly in The New Time to thereafter be judged.

Our foes follow a plan with the junk-culture: The main reason is to hinder the Truth about The Gods being followed in our world; that when Knowledge and The Cleansing is well made again will cause that these have nothing to live on in our world and the few survivors will be sent away. These beings practice, as they have done since a long time, their ill-deeds with making these to seem unlikely, or too revolting to want to touch in more detail; but conclusively is it of course the worthless non-Asatru; the junk-culture, that has left its sorrow-filled effects, formed identity crises and repeated meaningless conflicts among The Folk and from out of this are the frightening resulting effects are steered forth. The foe wants desperately be seen being inviolable, which is to every healthy being a grandiose comedy; meanwhile they steadily cause the lowest imaginable against the clean and holy Folk in our world, and this must forever be hindered.

That the foe wishes to claim that its goodness in breaking down all knowledge, honour and sense in humanity; so that these are passive, filthy, easy to control and easier to kill, is not an acceptable excuse.


A strengthening of the own identity’s important and inevitable collective status shall never be with unduly and untrue depreciation, or overestimation, of others’ identities. The valuations of our own lives set in comparison with other identities are nonsense and lead forward to inferior equal achievements that hinder progression and give a twisted and wrongful view of the own identities inner-outer future possibilities. We will collectively allow us to be free and truly individual beings, which is possible first after we have found ourselves; which is very easy with Knowledge. We shall live the rich contents in heritage from The Gods and the possibilities we have in Life; in Midgard and home in the highest in Asgard. The survival-tactic which in the Middle-period made that many accomplish what is demanded to survive their existence in a pointless daily-life is laid for dead on a battlefield with too few winners at the present: This by actually living and dying in pitifulness; being a meaningless and unknowing nothing, is not enough with the insight thereof not for me or anyone else in the long run. It is not only about to perform heroic deeds as the only grand way out from one’s worthlessness: All in a higher life is about, as told before; firstly about to honestly become to one self with all what this can encompass.

Nobody can avoid that we need Knowledge about The Gods, The Worlds and Life, to become full-worthy and functioning beings and live in what is demanded to our survival and victory.


To wish and do what others say and do, or just be a fool that thinks partaking in “revolutions” with the patting on the back from our foes in the weak and subversive society… That is an unwanted misadjusted behaviour in these defect, controlling and broken non-societies where a large number miss normality and Knowledge, meanwhile firmly linked normal values are viewed as very hard to understand and almost unreachable… As an example we have all those that have been fooled to take part in the Illusion in a sort of “all against all”, inside a lack of discrimination and senseless condition where the partaker’s self will get more if its imagined psychologically that it drags down all it can reach to… This is an erroneous conclusion of large and life-threatening proportions in many ways. It is exclusively about a misguided hatred from out of discontent with the individuals own and collective lack of status in the present collapsed state in the non-society. This comes from the foes undermining false spreading of hatred; and to not aim real hate right against our foes that has shaped these awkward and shattering conducts in all these non-societies is without all sense.

Few have witnessed clarity in too much when they are so down-trodden and gone that they have searched for “truths” down amongst the foes’ meaningless scribblings; ideologies that overtly are murder weapons against reaching clarity, insights and survival. When those affected by junk-culture have been tricked to an inner-outer refusal to reach forward to their obvious and only goal in Life with The Gods; as if that life itself then should become static and uninteresting, then this is a shocking turned away reality ignorant of what there is for us to be able to reach to and take part of.

Take in and home to really live consciously with The Gods Answer about Reality: Answers that are basic for all in our life in this world and far more.


Before anyone can be a human set free over the lack of knowledge and its sufferance, that awkwardly enough according to the foes fables should give a scornful comfort with “karma” in a kind of free hand-out with knowledge and gladness, it is demanded a judgement and hindrance of the foes unworthy norms stenches and spreading of venom. Reality will eventually gnaw itself inside the naïve; otherwise these would succumb under the controlled collective “values” and the affected get a life-long humiliation in a hopeless imaginary world and think that all that gives sorrow will pay up in the end… Can it get to be dumber than to be fooled that if one acts kindly against our foes; then one will get rewarded from these?

Most wish inside to have an honourable, clean, high, rich and interesting life, which are completely impossible to reach for those with the wrongful grounds that built forward the defect and in all revolting “normality” in inner poverty and the always uninteresting occurrences’ in the Middle-period; this in large waiting and worthless time between The Gods Times where most are forced adapting themselves to wrongfulness and often hide their own life in a thralldom producing for the foes’ ill hidden purposes. All can seem meaningless in a time when many countries are degraded to look as if these have forever been taken from their possibilities to continued higher life and their own owned and fitting parts in the Culture and our world. These non-societies have largely just different uninteresting food-dishes and climatic differences in junk-cultures silly mono-society to discuss and compare with each other.

This world is becoming more uninteresting, uglier and poorer, with each day that now passes.


The might in this world should naturally be where it belongs and be for gladness, use and obvious protection to our world. Real high and clean lineage from the Aesir and real authority will reign in those who want our world all that is well and have most Knowledge.

When the identities come to be righted and turned right in The New Time becomes our conscious freedom an obvious right with the insight about that we are living with The Gods; and that it is Viet that have a future in our world.

There is little new to understand other than that we in the War of all Wars immediately will cleanse this our world to great gladness of The New Time.


Reality and Truth are here for being brought in with the Knowledge. With the insight into the most solid knowledge regarding Life then the inner is alive and valuable. There is not any other path.

There is a great deal to learn about to be able to live right after one’s instincts and insights with clarity: The first is that one needs to know “everything” before it is possible to calculate and understand the pettiest thing right. The other is that life-experiences are only valuable when these can come to use for our Goodness and Honour. The third is to own Will and Cleanliness for living highly with Reality’s conditions.


As living in a body here on Midgard, we have something more than all “sprit beings” that have existed; namely our shapeable body which is the most valuable that there is for our Önd and our continued lifeform on Asgard. The body shapes our Önd and makes a copy of this. The body’s cleanliness is highly valuable as our bodies in this world have formed many other worlds’ life; as well as the small active spirit world in this world. We can now or later choose our inner from our wished peak in life, but we will as well become that person we were then in our body, but we can from there of course continue to steadfast grow in our inner-self.

Humans have a few peculiarities in intellect and in their emotional life. We have bodily hair and other things which by natural reasons are in around half quite like many of the animals on this planet; which is something those in much asexual and robot-like extraterrestrial beings search for and lack in themselves. That baldness is connected with reaching these foreign contacts and that conscious ideals are abundant; wholly shaved heads and shaved holes in the hair are something which presently often has a forgotten and unnecessary purpose.

Reincarnation can in this world sadly come with an extreme suffering if one loses the Knowledge and fail to understand the Gods protection and the goal with one’s own life when caught in the midst of ruined and easily led first timers and foes in this very defect time-period we now will pass and leave. Our inner may have been here before and can very well have been a knowledgeable and rare strong being, but regardless this becomes every reincarnation a new “fusion”, but in large a lost and forced to a destroyed childhood, or as the cause is in our case: thought to be a completing continuance on the earlier lives. The life-experiences from this world have a quite futile value; if one doesn’t have a calling as a teacher or warrior.

The life value between the differences in density in our own matter as being both a body and Önd is an extra possibility to reach and use our Önd in our body. We can take us through all other matter and reach some of the Worlds. This is something that this signer and thousands of others have done for thousands of years. Thereby it is not to be said that clean will for life and abilities are the whole Life and that it should be a bagatelle to reach a normal functioning level, but it is possible in the highest degree.


Time travel is only available for the few that are competent and reliable enough for the task. There are erected portals in different parts of the world, so it is a simple thing to make these time travels, but to move around too clearly among other times more enlightened and knowledgeable Folk in the higher art can show itself hard to undiscovered pass through; and then the journey is over. Easiest is to search for people that are knowledgeable and hide as a “mute” watcher, One rule is that one should have been at the places one visits before, which in my case leaves little to be missed.

In my own handful of time travels in this life, which were mostly made with two other persons, we found and visited others and also ourselves. We have formed and also prevented a few occurrences, which has led us to mixed results. Have regained some knowledge in other ages, searched my way to the places with natural powers and also kept myself in a forest cabin and worked for several months. All this and more to return to the point in time I left from. The first time is always the most interesting and nowadays the will to do more time travel is weakened. It is of course possible to travel forward in time; which will make that in reality one can be dead since long ago in the time one is researching.

If knowing the end result set in time then there are no real reasons to waste time and power on try changing anything as one’s actions in themselves can show to be the very root to the end result, that always is ready and set. We may conclude that ignorant people’s highest wishes are our normal reality.


When it comes to our “kidnapped” New Age that has now at large been re-shaped to a false “New Age” and is useless; it is produced and consumed by a few uninitiated and is now alike a play in a theatre there our foes often play their part as extra-terrestrial existences and sometimes call our killed foe for “the highest”; something that in reality means: He was the lowest. They also try forming several false “world-views” with the motif that this should be a freedom of choice… And completely unknown and insignificant or not even existing beings are said to be The Gods themselves, or alternately “superior” to The Gods is often an occurrence… These thousands of confusing opinions and claims are aimed at hindering the Truth about The Gods reaches onto this world and become normal.


The long and well-known Path of searching for wisdom and knowledge where most are fully sufficient in their capacity to reach high if they honourably pay the price, something that this signer has done, is what is attainable to everyone and the collected knowledge of the Universe is not little to let in. Nothing is higher.

When it comes to my owned Knowledge there is little interest in practicing in The Higher Art. When you for long have known all there is then very little ardour is in the interest, although that nothing is more important.


Famlar fram, föst mot skogsbrynets vajande trädgrenar
medan åskan letar över trakten med klarsynen stark
till löven redan tillhörande slagregnen på slagmark

där tiden skänker skickligt varje syfte sina orsaker:

Vinner att fortsätta vara framsynt.

(Fångad illa sliten. Tydda är ögonens resor.)


Är en åldrad lövflagas virvlande ofärd
vilken har samlat margfaldiga kvarlevor
i denna trasade skepnad; frostbitet lärd,
resande längs med vattenfallens klivande,
följande ner, runt den gamla vindlande ån;
alltid marken och skyarna tilldragande.


Hämtar mer önskad estetik och välfunnen sorgkritik
att ur vindsmekta nattsnön, vackert vilande, levas:

Nötta stigar blänker i ett tröttande töväder
åt en klargrämd rot ― ler långsamt ― tar ner sorgens drivkrafter,
återbördar stammen till marken att mista sitt mörker

och denna värld saknar makt över mitt döende liv.


(Solen kastar bort imman stärker Klarheten.)


Årens tankar återvända lika träd vilka lagts att multnas,

länge grävande i färdigblommat och Vinterbonat

att ur markens vishet från Världarnas krav återlämnas.


Rotas. En stam har alltid medvind och motvind. Håller fast.


Tar upp mer värde.




Tidens enda väg är Stigen där tagna steg tar sitt ansvar

intill uppresta vallar bräddfyllda Löv, Vatten och Vind,

och föga glest är mellan att få trugas med Gudarnas Svar.


Är nästgårds nu.


Sänder i förtid ner Edert botande kärleksverk

att enligt Naturen omforma våra tillgångar:




Äger ännu hjärtat som vägrat Livet vara ett fuskverk;

och fick höra att Viljan satt uppe i trädtopparna

så slitsamma att nå få överkliva bli till mitt livsverk.


Vill till sist med blodet hugga fram Heiliga Vetandets Bro,

finna värdiga Viet vara samlade i vår värld

där vi rastlösa kan hämtas hem till Asgård; sann frid och ro.