It is not news that the foe’s hatred, dumbness and lies formed as a counter-reaction to Allfather’s rights, higher intelligence and Truth itself and that is the foes shaky ground.

This fact is far worse used than even the somewhat initiated long have suspected; something they have hid away as unthinkable. It certainly is not any sort of “evidence” or any kind of “wrongthink” that thousands of our foes consciously work day and night to counter our Folk and lands in our own world with instruments of power as well as with pettiness where they can reach. It is overly explicit and they cannot hide it anymore, even for the just average intelligent. When most hard facts regarding millions of excesses and manipulations mainly against the West, as well as in our other parts of this world, done according to plan by false representatives for governments, media´s control over information and other of the foe’s different “terror-religious institutions”; then they call this hate for love, brotherhood and solidarity:

“The oppressed just take back what we have stolen from them, even though they have mostly lived and still survive on help and support from us. It is just a compensation for all the oppression they have been suffering, all the while the strong will be made to be weak.”

The cult of the oppressed work inside the foe’s death cults and “wins” by being weak and thereby unreachable to be viewed and judged meanwhile they are fed large spoons of money and false rights for what they claim that they alone have been enduring in Life. Reality is however much closer to the opposite: The foe has set the ignorant an equality sign between to force the self-hatred and different types of degradation with lies; all the while the foe’s immoral and nauseating sale of “emotions”, lies and threats eventually give the victims their death.

How low can beings become?

The question is already answered with to even imagine that a pitiful killed being have “created” our Universe. Philosophy in all its honour given from Allfather, but this is intellectually humanity’s lowest possible existence that the disturbed carry around and attempt to live as reality…. The hate, desperation and fear enforce bought partisanship where usage of weak-minded emotions undo all rights, intelligence and truth. Take issue with that you are too dumb to realize the foe’s enormous wisdom and highness and you’ll become a victim without understanding that you are just a fooled poor creature without life or future.

Carve away new sentences regarding your strong belief that you do not exist, or other grade b-philosophy without any real facts concerning the Universe as if that have anything to do with The War of all Wars and Ragnarok to do? The prize you have to pay for your immature defiance against Allfather Odin and Reality you really should learn to know.

There is a law of cause and effect:

You can believe in this law? Or do you want to introduce a ridiculous perspective that we all are a “unity” and nothing can be damaged or taken away as we all exist in a tiny, puny bubble called the Universe? Our belief on freedom of thought and justice, our belief in good morals superiority must now rub their eyes clear and realize that our rights are threatened, our goodness despised and our lives are threatened to death by our foes that truthfully lack all higher moral grounds and inherited sophistication.

No conflicts and wars start without reason:

There must be a few deeply disturbed that would consider war being something fun and desirable. Your excuses and that you are controlled to passively pretend that you exist is the seedbed for that those that hate you can take your life in The War of all Wars, in war, as in the everyday, as of right now.

The foes are afraid that the bubble now will burst, and they have long prepared to confuse and flee away somewhat unharmed. Our revenge is almost comically just so we can without any thought slaughter the guilty thousands of times and still never reach to any kind of imaginary justice therein “one for one” play any role. The real oppressors muffle up beneath a victimized disguise and take others as shield and weapon while they ascertain that they are innocent. Let their massive mountain of guilt and secret cowardly genocides be visible for this world to finally in full clarity sentence the foes to death




Den historierevisionism de lurade och utslagna massorna länge nog har tvingats leva under och inbillats vara någon slags “normalitet”; däri fiendens ditlagda historieförfalskningar angående många av världshistoriens verkliga orsaker och skeenden felriktats till deras önskade slutsatser; där även direkta manipulationer i löjeväckande defekta ideologier kontrollerar mycket politik och köpt media, samt bedrägerier angående “mänsklighetens” högst säregna och olikartade ursprung; detta är i allt hjärtskärande, kränkande, komplett fördummande och har ännu en stor kontroll över våra egna samhällen och själva livsviljan med en olaglig och förtryckande makt över själva livet och döden i vår ägda värld.


Orsak och verkan kring de nutida händelseförloppen i krigen förtigs eller vinklas, men krig rör sig alltid om att bedriva folkmord i skymundan. De politiskt-religiösa konflikterna och samhällsproblematikens verkliga orsaker förfalskas ständigt och manipuleras efter en dold plan vilken direkt säljs till de utslagna massorna genom en påtvingad tilltro från falska auktoriteter och medvetet defekta ideologier vilka styr den falska “vetenskapen” där okunniga och verklighetsfrånvända narrativ och “politik” söndrar våra samhällen med sitt innehåll utan sanningshalt. Även de medföljande illa underbyggda analyserna och “teorierna” där önsketänkande och gissningar lurar de naiva att det negativa de deltar i är gott, detta alltmedan allt rätt, verkligt och högre, vilket tydligt visar motsatser och verkliga faktum göms undan då det ligger till hinder för vidare falsk “progression-degeneration” och leder fram till mänsklighetens förnedring och tilltänkta undergång. Lösningen mot “Abrahamiternas” ständiga förtryck och deras brukade mordvapen, vilket lögnerna och manipulationerna orsakar för miljontals, är givetvis att i självförsvar attackera och hindra med metoder och medel vilka krävs i syftet att skydda allt högre och värdigt liv.

Kontrollen över “det offentliga samtalet” vilket vi alla tvingas ner till att beröra; är nu ställt i en närmast komplett illusion för de sorgligt naiva vilka fastnat i “insikter” kring att; “Inget spelar ändå någon roll. Inget finns. Allt som finns är det vi ser. Ingen vet någonting.” Därmed hamnar de normerande föreställningarna i en världsbild så dum och äcklande att det är gripande. Gudarna och Ragnarök spelar i allra högsta grad en roll, om du nu vill kunna äga rättigheten att leva här, och vidare i de högre världarna.


De nu, sent omsider, mer öppet omtalade storföretagen vilka “investerar” och plundrar andras arbete med utpressningar och utsugning av andra företag och de svaga regeringarna, döljer sina fega mordplaner och sina bakomliggande syften med grundlösa och blodsugande “moraliska ideologier”. Dessa, av fienden kontrollerade verksamheter, har köpt sitt inflytande med lånade och stulna medel från offren själva; vilket betalar för att attackera grunden i folkslagens överlevnad, i själva familjestrukturen och individens styrda inre tankar och gärningar. De utslagna massorna måste nu initialt hjälpas fram till verkliga insikter och väcka sin egen vilja till att kunna leva ett liv i frihet, till att ta ett medvetet ansvar med att hålla sina hjärnors innehåll rena och därmed kunna uppnå en livsvärdig och långt mer glädjefylld existens.

När detta högst skenbart “Västerländska” samhällssystem påtvingas över hela vår värld och delar ut fördelar och priser under fiendens olagliga buksvågerpolitik och vill ha sina frikort från all kritik och verklighet för “medlemmarna” till skydd; allt detta medan de låtsas eller inbillar sig att de har några slags rättigheter. Det följer alltid att fienden ger sig själva fördelar på alla andras faktiska bekostnad med det defekta “moraliska” förtryckets lögner och dess inneboende fega “makt” där fienden hänvisar till auktoritet de inte äger. De ockulta sammanslutningarna där planerna styrs med andehjälpare utsända från fienden i bakgrunden vilka format manipulationerna åtskilliga regeringar har tvingas ner under är välkända. Det rör sig dock alltid om övertydliga målsättningar riktade mot Gudarna och folkslagen, och om man nu vet vad som sker i Striden så ser man detta tydligt. De ansvariga kommer utan undantag att dömas och dödas för sin naivitet att känna sig “utvalda” av fiendens smutsiga existenser.

De utslagna massorna är fastnade i falska religion-ideologiers nystan och vågar fortfarande inte annat än att fortsätta “revoltera” nere i sin hjärntvättade “maskopi” med fiendens tomma ord till vapen. Detta är likt flertalet av de tidigare nedbrytande revolutionerna vilka hade till syfte att överta makt från Monarkin i Europa med “demokrati”, “liberalism” och “socialism”, och annat nonsens: “Att befria massorna från utsugning och “tyr-anni”; döda blått blod från Allfader Odin och all högre och verklig bildning till att nå ett jämställt samhälle.” Det handlar givetvis bara om simpla manipulationer ingen frisk tror på riktade mot de okunniga och maktlösa med det övertydliga syftet att styra och utnyttja de utslagna och maktlösa massorna efter behag till att lyda under Den Stora Illusionen där fienden har närmast total kontroll.

Värt att notera är att den verkliga konungsliga makten och adeln länge har jagats, våldtagits eller mördats och i flera fall blivit ersatta med oäktingar. Även om nu flera av dessa vill kunna leda sitt ursprung för sin lagliga auktoritet i blodet från Allfader Odin, så vet vi givetvis vilka de är och inte är.

Fienden har med sitt förtryck genom de falska Abrahamitiska religionerna till vapen kunnat krypa och kräla omkring i vår värld och parasitera och forma de godtrogna till underlägsna och dödsdömda stackare. Med fiendens gränslösa falskhet och sin inneboende ruttenhet formar de en stor kontroll över minsta detalj i de lurade vilka i Verkligheten är i allra högsta grad förtryckta under fiendens lögner, hot och hat. Massan är undanhållna Livet självt från vaggan till graven; och efter det utnyttjas de än värre än de nu kan föreställa sig till att agera inre-yttre vapen mot sig själva och vår värld. Något slags hopp och lycka för dessa biologiska robotar är sorgligen uteslutet. Var varnad och informerad.


De utnyttjade massorna vilka bryter mot Seden och “normerna” med att utföra övergrepp mot andra och givetvis även mot sig själva med smutsiga främmande beteenden och allt lågt, vilket fullt ut nu tillåts pågå då dessa inte utgör något hot alls mot fienden. Genom att låtsas och leka att de är rebeller av något slag och även “fria” så stöds de utslagna massorna fullt ut med att dra ner allt de kommer åt.

Medvetna misstolkningar marknadsförs och har sina köpta megafoner riktade mot barnen och de naiva “vuxna” vilka utan intränade möjligheter till reflektioner konsumerar fiendens smutsiga ytligheter och direkta lögner. Okunniga köps alltför lätt av halva sanningar, påståenden, andras rubbade övertygelser och bara matas och vill inbilla sig att de trots allt har ett slags “värde”. Dessa manipulationer med arv och miljö där alla goda inneboende fördelar “mänskligheten” äger kommande från det högre arvet från Gudarna utnyttjas och vrids av fienden till att utföra det lägsta tänkbara i miljön, något vilket därefter format våra svårt defekta samhällen.

Visst, det är mycket riktigt uppfattat att det för flertalet är svårt att komma ut ur Den Stora Illusionen och bli en fri och vaken varelse. De lurade på sina liv är nu bara följare till vad de nu inbillats ger dem mest fördelar socialt och ekonomiskt och är utan en fungerande och verklig mänsklighet i sig och de gråter, skrattar, härmar, försvarar sig, kryper, de gör allt efter vad fienden önskar att de ska vara; de är nu biologiska robotar vilka utnyttjas till fiendens syften att göda sig själva och skydda sig själva med.


“Du är samma skrot och korn som vi andra.”

Det är dags att visa det: för din del.


Det passiva accepterandet; perceptionen satt i okunnig ytlighet och dumhet i en manipulerande kombination gav grogrunden vi tyvärr behöver sänka oss ner till och överta:

Våra nya renade egna samhällen.

Reformen består i att de värdiga i Livet ska kunna sänka sig till nuvarande fiendekontrollerade “samhällen” och agera med verklig makt och samtliga rättigheter.


Många av de svaga vilka har blivit illa behandlade, av giltiga eller ogiltiga orsaker, smyger omkring med sitt hat och sin “hämnd” och önskar att sitt eget folk ska söndras, förtryckas och helst utrotas. Fiendens manipulationer och söndringar vilka givit dessa massor världen över de störda tankarna att skydda andra på bekostnad av sitt eget folk och land till vilket pris som helst medan de skrattar åt kriminalitet, våldtäkter, mord och ett ständigt förnedrat samhälle upplagt på slaktbordet. Grundpelarna i manipulationerna är en vriden och verklighetsfrämmande världsbild där falska skuldfrågor säljs kring “förtryck” och används som vapen mot främst “vita folkslag” vilka betalar och betalar för vad fienden brukat just de “vita” till vapen att utföra fiendens illdåd mot Gudarnas andra folkslag medan fienden parasiterar på blod, arbete och “själar” i ett verkligt förtryck, förnedring och död värre än något annat skeende i Universum.

Många bland de lurade och hjärntvättade avskyr Gudarnas livgivande och högst meningsfulla seder, traditioner och höghet då de vet att de har blivit tvingade att bli ovärdiga och därmed oförmögna till något verkligt uppbyggande. De vill kalla övergreppen och hatet mot våra länder i vår ägda värld och våra folkslag för kärlek och en plan till en utopi likt den ute i förorterna vilket som synes sker på Folkslagens bekostnad och liv. Listan på vad de av fienden kontrollerade och därmed svårt störda saknar kan sammanfattas i ett ord: Allting. Parasiter har ingen slags verklig status eller några rättigheter.

Dessa nuvarande svaga samhällen saknar all verklig status och skyller alla de plågat under många år med sin ansvarslösa och av bland annat fiendens företag och falska ideologier köpta “politik” för att ha medfödda “psykiska problem” i arv och vägrar i regel att sätta något ansvar på sig själva för miljön de har format medan de drogar ner massorna med defekta värderingar, TV, media, tabletter, falska religioner, löjliga ideologier, till än mer okunnighet och passivitet än tidigare. Samhällets kontrollerade “politiska” partier har länge undvikit att erkänna att problemen de övertydligt orsakar skulle vara deras egen skuld och ansvar. Att detta har manipulerats fram av fienden är solklart, medan många givetvis skyller allt detta på Allfader, bevisligen och givetvis är problemen orsakade och syftet borde vara uppenbart: Döden för Europa och USA, till att börja med.

Hur långt ska det gå innan massan vaknar och tar sin hämnd?


“Man gör vad man är tvungen till för att nå målet. Nöden tål ingen kritik.”

Det är sant att många oinformerade kring högst grundläggande kunskaper om Livet inbillar sig att de ändå “duger”; alltmedan de i Verkligheten ser passivt på medan de luras, hånas och dödas. Det duger aldrig att vara vänlig mot fientliga parasiter, det räcker inte att göra rätt för sig med att insupa indoktrinerande jidder och ligga lågt; de drabbades livslånga fängelse är satt i ett ointressant och dödsdömt leverne kontrollerat in i minsta detalj. Dessa ovetande medskyldiga till fiendens milt sagt omfattande olagliga verksamhet mot vår ägda värld har nu sin sista chans att vända tillbaka till sig själva och nå det högsta Livet.


Det finns många livsavgörande saker och ting att veta rörande tillvaron i denna värld innan du kan bli värdig ett högre liv. Det värdefulla i Alltet, i väsen och varelser, är alltid önskat. Det enda problemet är dock de skadliga där psykiska och fysiska olika former av fulhet växer i de defekta och detta leder till att högre existenser hotas. Vi ser fiendens fastslagna underlägsenhetskomplex vilket har en inneboende felriktad attraktion efter att dra ner det högre, vilket leder till missriktat hat och övergrepp mot oskyldiga.

Fiendens söndrande av våra verkliga identiteter; alltmedan de ständigt stärker sin egen i skuggorna, är välkänd. På bekostnad av Gudarnas barn har fiendens terrorism alltid stegrats etappvis och sänkts något till deras skydd när det närmar sig att bli övertydligt för massorna. Det hela inleds alltid med rubbade lögner ingen tror på; lagda på äldre rubbade lögner, där de yngre och de omogna utan kunskaper blir de först drabbade innan det sprids vidare mot samhället. Detta är en god anledning till varför skräpkulturen mot barn och tonåringar, vilket är grogrund för defekta tankar, leder fram till störda beteenden och efterföljande konflikter ute i våra samhällen. Grunden är givetvis att “söndra och härska”, denna gamla härskarteknik där den verkliga identiteten från Allfader Odin och Gudarna ifrågasätts utan verklig anledning därtill, och “att leka” med fiendens låtsade “identiteter”, vilka faktiskt inte finns annat än i Den Stora illusionen, som i den Abrahamitiska skräpkultens illegala nonsens, låtsade och rubbade könsidentiteter, andligt kosmiskt dravel utan grund, och andra produkter vilka tränar de svaga i trams och till självhat de därefter riktar mot allt ovanför deras tragiska värdelöshet. Dödens nåd är det enda hopp de ser och inte ens det kommer utan hårdaste straff innan.

Styret och makten över falska varianter av “demokrati” och annat liknande stinkande skräp leder tyvärr till samhällets nedbrytande; något vilket väl få idag kan motsäga vara ett faktum. Vi kan nu överge alla dessa defekta läror utan verklighet i sig då de är oförsvarbara mordvapen och används till manipulationer och dolda agendor utan något gott i sig. Övertydligt är att fienden gömmer sig bakom utsugande globalism och ytlig “mångkultur” där alla Folkslagen ska tvingas förlora sitt arv och särart och leva under en meningslös och tom monokultur, samtidigt smyger fienden med sitt skryt om hur de lurar de godtrogna och naiva till att förnedras och dödas för deras skull… Fienden lever i skräck för det nu oundvikliga skeendet i vår värld där miljontals vaknat till åtminstone vissa värdefulla insikter och fienden påstår vilka skräckinjagande lögner som helst i vanlig ordning till ordvapen. “Världsalltet kommer att gå under om ni inte röstar och blir som vi vill.” Taktiken med demoralisering och åberopande av falsk auktoritet är ständigt förekommande.

Fienden stryker omkring i denna, för dem främmande värld, tömda på vett och “medmänsklighet” och likt stolpskott vilka intalar sig själva utan anledning att de alltid är omtyckta och respekterade vägrar de godta att de är hatade på goda grunder. Fienden har ljugit så mycket att de inte kan sluta då detta direkt kommer att innebära döden för dem. De kommer med nya lögner där de återigen erkänner att de bara har “skojat och lekt med en stor fälla och plan” för Allfader och Gudarna, till priset av miljarder förstörda och dödade högre liv vilka de utnyttjat och har byggt på åt deras stulna och smutsiga “makt”.


Du kanske har upplevt att någon inte tror på dig medan du vet att du har rätt. Håll kvar den känslan av att bli misstrodd för Sanningen. Nu glöm den känslan och inse att rättade felaktigheter och framvisade falskheter och dumheter ger Godheten och Rätten fram till vår Seger.


De indoktrinerade av fienden ser inte tydligt nog denna världs misslyckanden och katastrofen de deltagit i att driva fram. Förrädarna mot sina egna folk och länder tänker att de gör pengar och får betalt för att upprätthålla sin högst skenbara “status” i en falsk världsbild med falsk “etik och moral”, och när allt oundvikligen går överstyr: då har de nog själva ändå hunnit dö; “Så vad spelar någonting alls för roll egentligen?”

Politik, vetenskap, kultur, och allt du kan finna i vår ägda och svårt attackerade värld bottnar ytterst i “religion”. Allting hör ytterst samman i en röra, vilket inte betyder att vi ska godta sjukdomar av någon sort. Vilket osökt leder oss till…


Naturligtvis vet de flesta, även nere bland massan, att massan medvetet ljuger fiendens lögner i syftet att skydda vad de manipulerats fram till att inbillas är något positivt, då: “Vi vet ju vad som sker om vi blir arga och inte låter våra egna folk, kulturer och länder degraderas, mördas och “globaliseras”.”…

Det är tyvärr så att många har lurats att följa efter sin egoistiska och dödsbringande bekvämlighet grundad i rädsla och är så konflikträdda att de letar efter invändningar att hålla kvar sin djupa slummer, med alkohol, droger, dumhet, naivitet, tom produktivitet, eller annat liknande. Dessa har därmed svårt att förstå att det är kontrollerad propaganda vilket serveras dem dagligen som om jiddret vore fullt naturligt och korrekt att alla ska tycka och anse lögner vilka formar förutsättningarna för extrem självdestruktivitet ute i samhället är positiva. Dagligen sker ytterligare historieförfalskningar från fienden genom kontroll över köpta regeringar och media i vinklingar och utelämnande av verklig information vilket inte passar förtryckarnas agendor. (Ja, du vet det mesta av det här, men du har det ganska tryggt och trevligt just nu, i varje fall inlåst hemma. Så varför ens reagera?)

De verkligt grundlurade i en tro att Livet handlar om att vara “snäll” och “dela med sig” av alla kollektiva möjligheter och tillgångar, blundar hårt för att de själva och samhället utnyttjas psykologiskt och förnedras; de dras ner till fiendens önskade nivå där pågående “utbyte av folkslag” och medföljande massmord bara är en bagatell de sysselsatt sig med att söka efter i tusentals år. Fienden har med sin ondska visat sig vara för lågt stående för att få tillhöra någon värld. Dessa utomjordiska blandvarelser har ingenting av värde i sig, hur mycket de än blandar sig med våra folkslag så finns en ruttenhet, en obotlig blodtörst och falskhet i grunden vilket endast döden kan bota. De är Kosmos största skämt och samtidigt de mest hatade, oälskade och oönskade varelserna vilka någonsin har producerats fram.


Låt chocken över hur extremt avtrubbade och ointelligenta varelser kan luras till att bli ge extra ork att hämnas ditt eget förlorade liv, till att börja med. Det är definitivt tärande att se att nästan ingen bland De Utdömda massorna bryr sig det minsta om annat än att göda sin egoism och fjanta omkring i sin vardag för att upprätthålla sina tomma och hopplösa “liv”; då de känner att de själva är svikna och ingen bryr sig om dem.

Du drar upp dig själv ur träsket.
Jag kan bara ge dig kärlek med moraliskt stöd och kunskap.

Det är tillräckligt.


De irrationella spelar att de istället för kunskaper, intelligens och insikter äger känslor vilket “bekräftar” deras förfining och överlägsenhet, men de är ändå tomma och neurotiska inuti; och hjärnan är trots allt organet vilket som bekant styr hjärtat. Bli fri från jidder, finn din karaktär och bli dig själv, oavsett vad fiendens fabler försöker lägga på för några slags falska äganderätter över dig och inuti dig själv. Hur tragikomiskt och äcklande fiendens nonsens och låtsade spel om känslorna än är så har det dödat åtskilliga vilka i stunder av vekhet inbillats att de har vunnit någon slags insikt om alltings så sköra mjukhet och fallit samman till ett liv i ynkedom. I mycket likt de vilka tagna av själva orden om sorg, tärande, lidande och mörker fastnar i en illusion att leva upp till. I regel lider de drabbade i syftet att egoistiskt betala sig själva med sorg så att de därigenom är fredade från omvärlden medan de tar sina inbillade straff vilket även framvisar att de är riktiga, kännande varelser… Äg och kontrollera dig själv eller dö.


Fienden fortsätter med att framtvinga en normalisering av deras artfrämmande tankar och beteenden; ett vapen mot vår frihet och allt rätt, rent och högt. Syftet är givetvis att hindra allt högre som de vet blir deras död. Det översexualiserade tänkandet vilket sprids runt bland massorna där det mesta utgår från fiendens smutsiga “sexualitet” där de svagsinta och de lurade dras ner till en perverterad nivå och blir utslagna är endast ett vapen. Planen att använda våra folkslag som saker att utnyttja har stegrats till att många över hela denna värld nu tvingats ner till att agera som gratis luder och även uttagsautomater, samtidigt inbillas de drabbade därigenom ha någon slags “egen vilja, frihet och makt”… All verklig status och självrespekt, renhet och kärlek, är förstörd i dessa stackare och självklart finns inga riktiga män och kvinnor som ens vill vara i närheten av de utslagna. Vetskapen över att ha förlorat sitt värde omtolkas därefter med fiendens utplacerade ord till verkan i “självbedrägerier” som att det är befriande och fördomsfulla hämningar är väl aldrig något gott… Sexualdriften är ibland lika stark som basbehoven sömn och föda och det förstör och dödar åtskilliga nere i den okunnighet och förvirring fienden sprider främst genom sin ägda media och direkt utövar i skuggorna.


Att “äga” andra, vilket en del av de låga egoisterna har fått till behov då orsaken är att de inte ens äger sig själva; återkommer överallt i det lurade samhället. Liksom det att försvara eller attackera meningslösheter mellan könen som vapen, höja sin “identitet” eller någon inbillat delad identitet efter behov, upphöja sin partners skönhet och värde genom att förvrida sin egen syn och sitt sinne, att betala med sex för att få använda deras identitets “status” i självförsvar. Listan på allt komplett nonsens med orsak och verkan från fiendens falska ideologier är lång och äcklande.

Det utslagna slöddret gör nu bara någonting om de kan tjäna någonting på det, de saknar ett verkligt inre medvetande då de aldrig insett värdet av något dylikt; då allt ändå bara handlar om att tjäna pengar… Ingen kan betala med någon valuta för att ge sig själv ett värdefullt inre och verkligt liv. De svaga vill ha betalt för sin existens och därmed bekräftas de vara värdefulla… De väljer alltid det som ger dem mest i den inbillade sociala statusen nere i Illusionen; i skämd andlig tomhet är de själva bara materia, de bara finns och allt är bara saker att använda innan de dör… Och alltid är de så intelligenta, värdefulla, vackra och åtrådda av alla andra som har stor avundsjuka och därmed uppstår dessa mängder av störda icke-människor vilka drar ner vår värld med sin desperation och svaghet. Någonstans i sig vet de att deras förlust av all verklighet, värde och status ger dem svåra neurotiska problem; varken ytlighet eller hårdhet skyddar eller ger dem någonting. Deras falska identiteter i skräpkulturen; de falska religionerna och ideologierna öppnar för ytterligare manipulationer från fienden och de drivs med hjärntvätt och hot till att utföra falsk homosexualitet, djursex, och andra perversioner som vapen. De betalar för falskeligen påstådda skulder med sina kroppar. De gör vad andra gör efter påtvingade exempel från fienden.

“Acceptans för vad som helst vi tvingas till att agera är ju bara så “open minded”…”


Our foes use The Gods’ Folk and millions have already been killed, to our sometimes paralyzing sadness, after that these have been fooled or forced down to accept “love messages”, “liberalism”, and such weapons.
The foes’ manipulations and hollow promises, the spreading of ignorance, threats about punishment and death, thievery of the Folk’s own identities, with all repellent attacks against this world, our property and our own lives; this has shaped several to be the most chanceless scum that has ever existed.
So is the reward for showing any kind of openness and trust for The Gods and humanity’s parasites.


Warnings regarding the threat against our world have continually been given this our world as to in all hinder the foes’ harrying, but in spite of this have the foes’ counteracting warnings so far been a stronger weapon with its thoroughly false erection of feelings and weakness, that we all can sense be inside of us. (Our cleaned and normal feelings have no other owners than ourselves.) It has been sponged on a large part of our rightfully owned might and our lives rights; even inside the most natural and essential for our lives: The Knowledge regarding The Gods, The Worlds and Reality.
With the aid of false words and often a scheming with The Gods’ different names; so has the foe stolen and cowardly murdered, thereafter shaped and also interacted with the unknowing and easily bought that ruthlessly has been used to spread the foes filth and misguided hatred. It would be thoughtless and heartless not to feel sadness for the already killed as well as for the millions still affected that lack knowledge regarding human normality inside; The Knowledge, truly good might and their own wills sanity.
The Folk from The Gods are partly owners of this world. When these are torn apart in their inner to become able to commit the foes’ ill deeds against themselves and others, then it’s always about the foes’ continuing racial killings; about controlling human emotions, behavior and thoughts, as well as shaping these to become disordered and retarded weapons of murder which unthinkable enough work against the different honoured Folk that were born free inside Gods’ Knowledge and The Culture. This has clearly been done against all our “American” Folk; which longer than most were remained in our morality with Honour, closeness to Life and a clean life value. The foes used in The War the already hard afflicted and used Folk’s from Europe to bring a further decimation of The Culture. These occurrences are known even in the defect “world history”; that is twisted and spread with its falseness and ignorance as a poison against our societies, but all too rarely understood in its right light. This, and several other similar wars with forced Folk movements and repulsive Folk murder in all parts of the world, has long been reinterpreted after its need and pleasure by our foes; that always use their junk-culture to bring forth an inner and outer warfare with false hatred and violence against our world; a world where now more than half have nearly stopped reacting against obvious manipulations, injustices, and live in an unknowing and deadly dumbness.
The Revenge will be formidable when The Folk awake.
And they will awake.


The foes come with their close to countless swindles to steadily lie their hated existence to remain in Midgard; as if they and their nullified words could be relevant and valuable for humanity in some way unknown to Life and us. Continuingly the search goes on for more psychological, emotional escape routes to reach inside of many’s now broken non-consciousness where irrelevant and plausible explaining away regarding the foes’ huge debt maze around. The different “channels” through media and other things, that now have been taken under control, achieve their confusing and dilatory purpose; as the foes want to get more time to let more of their parasites flee from our coming great and rightful revenge in The New Time.

“When these are torn apart in their inner to become able to commit the foes’ ill deeds against themselves and others, then it’s always about the foes’ continuing racial killings; about controlling human emotions, behavior and thoughts, as well as shaping these to become disordered and retarded weapons of murder which unthinkable enough work against the different honoured Folk that were born free inside Gods’ Knowledge and The Culture.”

The foes’ fear is more than overtly clear. If nowhere else in the long close to machinelike over-productivity in spreading out claims that lead forward to unnecessary and unwanted conflicts; meaningless cowardly wars and defect society ideologies, that steadfastly affect and influence our world. In the propaganda comes often interjection regarding all our extinction if we do not in this world obey the foes’ silly lies and threats, approve of their kind-hearted and clean feelings for us all, and worship and admire their all other than honourable and non-existing greatness. Naturally would it be far better to get to die conscious in cleanest honour, afore living in thralldom, filth and a retarded state to be punished in the lowest and get killed. Humanity has no kind of choice to make, apart from the choice to really know itself.
For a short time forward of us so will it in even a higher degree be claimed that the foes’ false “religion-ideologies” have been misread on the basis that humanity’s innate dumbness and animal-like lowness come from the feared Gods’ higher blood-lines. That The Folk normally inherited goodness fraudulently has been used for the foes’ low goals and thereby “happened” to hinder all adequate normal morality in The Culture is more than enough to wake and hold our hatred for all future.
The Gods and our high-cultures; the inner-outer progress’ in human life, is the only thing that matters in our lives and in Life. All the while the foes persistently have dragged down and often succeed with murdering the highest in our world with different stolen instruments of power, which apparently is something that wants to indicate that we are a little bagatelle no one shall sit and dwell over as their leader; and their thralls from all the Folk, themselves been suffering and killed for their revolt against The Aesir. As if there at any time could be any equality between our rightful ownership and our world’s parasites… Thousands of years with the foes revolting existences present in our world has given humanity a hard suffering and a meaningless death in treacherously shaped conflicts and wars; this is something we can and will want to hinder for all future.
The foes, of course, blame all guilt and responsibility for their active terrorism and their manipulations with the filthy and constructed “religion-ideologies” at the base; these uncountable inner and outer attacks with pretended hatred, cowardly violence and unmentionable atrocities against the innocents, onto none less than Allfather Odin. This occur regularly with the foes’ own masking with other names, and in twisted claims we cannot acknowledge with anything other than being the very lowest and revolting of our killed foes which wanted himself to pose as Got-father with the words power and out of this use a sort of naïve worship through his now killed “son” as the way down to death for the higher Folk. All shall yet again learn to realize and know that Odin is the one that always have all to win on that real Godtru, insightful knowledge, and that a cleansed godlike freedom reigns everywhere in his owned world.

“Thousands of years with the foes revolting existences present in our world has given humanity a hard suffering and a meaningless death in treacherously shaped conflicts and wars; this is something we can and will want to hinder for all future.”


The needless foes have brought in thousands of manipulating untruths, taken to question the Gods’ Culture itself and leeched on the Knowledge, twisted our older staves, used our words and older teachings until the unknowing don’t know anything at all. Our work and our goods are used so that the foes can build and finance “their” false temples; and this is aimed murder-weapons in The War against all who to no avail has been dragged down in vilification and death aside The Gods helping protection. The foes have also occupied themselves unnecessarily much with during hundreds of years produce rewritings of our original sources of writing, even their “own” filthy writings, and there use, immaturely enough, newer and older meanings of many words to claim that this contain a big trap; something which we others not at all know of… This shall in its turn be imagined our world that something they do with this fussing would upheave their billions of filthy crimes against the Gods and the innocent humanity. We know in the tiniest detail all they think and all they do, and that this yet has not been able to hinder what the foes try with and carry through is about that many among the Folk since long are forced upon a non-life down in a naïve ignorance and there been trained in to refuse listening to normal Reality, Goodness and Truth.
A problem was earlier, as it now still remains for the breaking-point in time, which the foes to a high degree aimed the attacks with continuingly spread out the clearly false claim that they belong with one to us superior might. At the same time come a spreading off immoral and deranged behaviours aimed straight at the children in our world, that later in life get big difficulties with freeing themselves from the brainwashing; and in many cases in their turn pain and kill their own children with the foes’ dirty words and non-teachings which shapes all the existing non-Tru. When The Folk can get healthy and yet again be taught all obviousness and our world’s history; then there are in our world no ground left for the foes’ alien existences.
That everything the foes’ filthy hands reach avoid to dare giving the real honour for our own lives and also the factual historical realities regarding The Gods’ returning new times and The Folk’s life under thousands of years; comes only with a few exceptions, as the foes want to claim that they actually in hiding spoke with Truth a few times… Empty claims as that The Gods and Viet themselves spread the foes scribblings that have dragged down much in this world into a hopeless low where the foes themselves have the only gain; in their subversion of all progressive and honourable high cultures in our world. That says the most about the intellectual level the foe can handle with their propaganda and how retarded one should be to even come up with any thought to trust in such scum.
We can always be sure that the foes will not bring anything higher than half Truths; as Truth is our victorious weapon. Remember that in Reality nothing deals about any words which can be turned and twisted against Knowledge:
Reality is about to realize the Rights in blood and might from The Gods.
We will go to Asgard where all in this world rightfully and without any doubt belongs.

“We can always be sure that the foes will not bring anything higher than half Truths; as Truth is our victorious weapon.”


The foes’ temporary influence in our world is now seated in what we can call for a kind of non-consciousness made of extreme ignorance therein acted opinions and void “laws” are meant to shape as defect and easily controlled beings that are possible. It is no surprise that the foes reborn are shaped into becoming their most used and influential weapons with their inner emptiness and their deranged behaviours aimed against our world. These reborn become in the highest degree controlled to what the foe stolen call for “priests”, and all other possible forms of perverted and prostituted as; junk-journalists and filth-authors, false Tru to The Gods, scum-artist, harmful and more than even in this time normally psychological ill, practices and spokesmen for non-traditional behaviour inside junk-culture at large; and other similar “role models” that cannot understand anything about highness and right; as these are already themselves too broken down and wish others to feel pain as they do and become equal in humanity’s dead end. Certainly these have nothing useful to say to others, but speak happily for all they can reach on how to think and believe… It is as if these have become damaged by a shock and somewhere been emptied of all hope, sense and life. (That is the correct scenario that lies behind their sad retarded state.)
It is of course added on here that no normal intelligent human would or could follow our foes with such commitment, and without even being able to make a healthy questioning of our foes; mostly for Reality hands the answer that these are far less than nothing by their harmful presence. The given mission the foes thralls has, as a rule close to completely unaware of what they are enforcing, is to drag down our world by different means they’ve got to push forth manipulations and shape more into executing perversions and spread extreme dumbness as norm; which in turn gives all afflicted unimaginable hard sentences down in Hel; and these are sent further far down to where no being ever want to end and then receive their second death.
The robot-like trash is the junk-cultural non-society’s very lowest that has been placed “highest up” with manipulations to work against all affected societies where unthinkable many are lured into following a defect and microscopic worldview where the long incurably disgusting, but now finally killed “jah-ve”, functioned as some kind of retarded version of Allfather Odin for those. The guided and controlled non-consciousness the foes reborn get stuck in; there all high, clean, right and true, has been torn and twisted with meaningless words as weapons; all the while Knowledge and the consciousness itself has been hindered and fully normal truths are held for “myths” and untruths through being added all too unbelievable bits and then attacked hatefully by the foes themselves without any consideration. This concerns such a frightening brainwash that it misses all other comparisons.
That all our conscious, or tragically non-conscious, foes carry around a moral guilt with billions of filthy atrocities, too many lies to count and a mass murder on humanity; and exist on a level that is so low and loathsome that the understanding doesn’t want to reach down there seem to be a big problem in many, and that is nothing we really want to cure, but the insight over Reality is forced to clearly be understood. How we try with all our will and gladness to do, or maybe reluctantly force ourselves to this, so will the basis for all harmful behavior in the foes now controlled non-societies completely be extricated.
Life is now a living nightmare to wake up to for the naïve and unknowing.
But, it is to all our highest gladness that these awaken and get rid the Illusions’ nightmares and can get a real life.


The foes have, as earlier been pointed out, actively spread around several divisive “religion-ideologies” in consciously wrongful and unintelligent constructions that clearly were set against the Tru and natural togetherness between The Gods, The Culture and the Folk. Take note that this world now exists in so manipulated a time that the foes’ ideologies even can emerge and control the afflicted to be driven towards what the foes wish for and even drag down themselves in a borderless and deadly immorality with a partaking in the constructed conflicts in society against their own families and countries, which inevitably means that their empty and death sentenced lives are committed to be against themselves to the scorn, gladness and use for our foes.

“The foes have, as earlier been pointed out, actively spread around several divisive “religion-ideologies” in consciously wrongful and unintelligent constructions that clearly were set against the Tru and natural togetherness between The Gods, The Culture and the Folk.”

The different forms of anti-social constructions and non-political nonsense against this our world, where class no longer is said to be about our kindred’s rights, and where even the irrelevant belonging of male or female been forced into a completely foreign to realities constructions against the foes’ own old invalid and defect constructions and deranged behaviours. To use this weapon against our world has since long been recorded, analyzed and arranged to now be able to farm the weak in mind and their painful brooding egotism against all that is right, high and well-respected in all higher worlds, it is painful to watch. The foes’ airy-fairy nonsense is directed in the most still from foreign temple buildings, most naturally and highly forced to set it up with material and the land owned by Odin himself; as well as the Folk’s during thousands of years’ toilsome work, and sad wrongful work, with our world’s lands. The foes have with stolen means also seized themselves a filthy influence there the spreading out of “most words win” inside the pushed downs’ brains with “medias opinions”, where the scenario often is to push in immorality and opinions regarding that; “sexual perversions are liberating…”, “freedom from all kind of class and all suppressive powers…”, “profitable immigration for criminally and psychologically deranged…”, and more support to others by the foe now made into dirty and retarded countries for; “The Western world have a collective debt, with colonization and plundering of resources, to many other Folk and has thereby itself asked for being attacked, scorned by millions of leeching insane and perverted, and to be more poor and ravaged in precisely all that has any value in it.”
With images and words to support come shallow, biased and frighteningly ignorant “debates on society” which turns and twists, sometimes with the aid of an anonymous contributing voice there the person holds himself hidden outside of view. Only to be strengthened the next day in the current futile daily life with articles in daily magazines and a couple of “anonymous” spots in radio, and also over internets all unenlightened and “free” forums. Immoral claims can by manipulations thereafter be forced to be normative in “the defenseless and ignorant mass opinions”; as these neither have lust or any strength to get acquainted in what their inner suspect, or know, is a foe-controlled society’s dumbness. When these fooled now know the words from the brainwash it will give a surface of that its “confirmed” by “knowledgeable” and shall be copied in consensus with themselves as parrots in order to “be with society”… Believe it or not. (This scenario goes the same for pushing forward the foes’ shaped music styles, controlled artists, writers, and so forth. This in turn leads the junk-culture towards the same goal.)
All this unfathomable sleaze comes with accompanying misguided emotional argumentation and is steered thereafter further with impetus for months and years in “media” in order to seem positive, interesting, and the degeneration are for the foes a steady progress. All this meanwhile the Folk are exposed to many spokesmen for the most unthinkable and hurtful that can be brought inside; this while the dumbness and filth are claimed to be something new, interesting and entertaining, and in the final objective reach up to highly seemingly be “folkish”… Thereby has the trap shut itself and society pays and is lowered down yet another bit. No strangeness in this. Many have a certain in-look in this, but are often forced into acting unknowing about who carries the utmost responsibility for these manipulations which continue to lead to damaged psyches with atrocities and murder to follow.
The foes also control several workers in many governments with always showing up as light and mellow spirit-beings that freely hand out great promises; plus an order for these who get blindsided by their selected partaking of the filthy plan to pursue more of their hate-filled activity against the Folk, of course hidden beneath claiming to do good… The afflicted are as a rule mostly less than knowledgeable and easily led people that in excess want to seem special and chosen, for they believe that they matter if they are seen by others that do not matter either… These would, if they could realize the whole of the foes plan, surely sober up and do all to work against our foes. The foes also reach to enforce others to produce their junk-literature, junk-music, junk-movies, junk-art, and also indirectly down to all insane marionettes in the large defect part of the defect entertainment industry; a branch which hidden, or in later times more openly, contribute to supporting the foes’ debilitating plans if they can be paid for it with wished for advantages. That the foe makes contact comes after an innate or shaped defect in the receiver have been precipitated; often from a psychological breakdown, that in turn opens for the foe to be able to pretend to be their helpers.
(I am indifferent to if those who are born retarded, or those with some other kind of defect, think and do things which I myself never would do and want to act as. The defects normally exist in a smaller number and have no other natural choice when their disturbance is born within. This signer wouldn’t care for a second if society’s widespread false norms, its brainwashing forced upon preferences and attending defect opinions; which have been shaped into weapons against free choices to with conscious manipulations drag down and kill as many as possible; if now this could be the victims own free and enlightened will. In the most anticipating cases is the brainwash the foes send out forced upon the furthest inside healthy majority which do not have any innate serious defects and disturbances.)

“The foes also control several workers in many governments with always showing up as light and mellow spirit-beings that freely hand out great promises; plus an order for these who get blindsided by their selected partaking of the filthy plan to pursue more of their hate-filled activity against the Folk, of course hidden beneath claiming to do good…”

The foes’ constructions have in this time near The New Time dragged down all our societies into earlier unknown low-levels intellectually and morally. This all the while imbecility is spread out with junk-culture where now the socially excluded and their geeky criminality and the prostitutes’ behavior often is acclaimed as “modern and progressive”, believe it or not. All that is non-Tru and convulsive in this world has its start in our foes inner and outer parasitic activity. This unwanted influence takes control over the immature, the unknowing and the weak in mind, which the foe searches after to be able to use, twist and finally sort away as killed. Now it is falsely claimed that cause and effect in all these rotting societies are that which have been able to lead forward to the only working progression we have active in our world, which partly, is directly given in collaboration with the Gods; in higher technology, education and research. (This is something that in many cases sadly turns away from self-evident possibilities to give a normal enlightenment, then into becoming aimed weapons against us all…)
The foes have used a couple of inventors, so it should seem as if the innovations in these cases come from the foes themselves, to all our gain, but this always happens when the progression no longer can be hindered and comes from several directions. The foes’ wish, silly enough, to seem that they control all that can be interpreted positively and that they control all of humanity’s Folk in their minds and in their work, so that without the foes presence these are nothing at all, just chanceless and worthless. That the Folk’s work and building-up has produced a material wealth, even if now the products mostly are worthless garbage without durability or beauty and not to any larger avail in The War, and in many cases deliberately poisoned by the foes; it’s still revolting that the Folk’s forefathers and thousands of years of hard work and protection of our lives would be taken for granted and as a minor matter by the slow in mind childlike-adults that continually commend themselves with living in the “now”, meaning that they have too little functioning intellect to take in the bigger picture. (Many think tragicomically enough that the past, which is all we are, lacks any importance…)
We need to fully understand that the right material products are the only outer value that is demanded of us in the goal to completely be victorious in Ragnarok. Most valuable in material goods is counted for as: protection, weapons, clean nature, clean food, valuable minerals and land. This may seem obvious, but just because it is obvious shall this often be pointed out.


The conflicts the foe has shaped and laid in the defect ideological constructions give an unnecessary and an insignificant complex of problems; which drags down many into spending their time with a wrongful searching after a consolation away from all meaninglessness, a consolation away from being made by our foes into afflicted and wrong; and therewith in large need of false comforting where worthless trips, dumb and non-Tru entertainment and saving up on the junk-cultures products is all they have reachable and expensively pay with their lives for. Not missing a mention of the accompanying inner emptiness, doubt, fear, ignorance, loneliness, and all this in a total lack of any real status; this is unfathomably enough “normalized” in their unwanted and deranged behaviour.
The foes have so far survived on being able to “confuse the issue”, which is especially insulting for the millions that even though they are healthy enough and intelligent to be tortured by the view of the surrounding scums abnormal venality in thinking and real manners. Clearly and obviously is that our foes constantly search after ways to “elevate” themselves with, or to con themselves into teary eyed support for their extensive leeching of intellectual and material stolen goods, that they are incapable of doing something really valuable with; and they see to that with controlling forceful methods award themselves with meaningless rewards for any junk there is that can fit their subversive and at the same time excruciatingly painful plans.
Bound and certain is that these work day and night with the purpose to degrade Midgard; Allfather Odin’s, The Aesir’s and the Folk’s owned world, and cause thereby the different Folk’s non-Tru and all other low non-values: All these that they dragged down to be the scum amongst the Folk, that naively or tragically good-heartedly have been forced to become the foes’ murderous weapons in the dirty junk-culture, which for a short period will remain in all parts of our world.
That which sadly still holds the foes’ “alive” is that they persistently are kept occupied with junk so that no healthy reflections can be found there and depress, all the while time is spent with dragging down others to nearly be comparable with themselves. Honour, Truth, all healthy and really clean emotions and our lives, mean nothing for the foes other than to misuse, scorn and to be taken advantage of as an animal to slaughter.


The foes strife is still that all except themselves shall lack normal Knowledge and thereby the strength to still live on in the life-nourishing Truth about Yggdrasil.
The sub target the foes have reached are that with empty words drag down exactly all that is higher in the purpose to uplift their two dead leaders that wanted to pretend to be “creators” and thereby wanting to call themselves all that is “real humans”, and comically enough “the only holy there is”, and this in a pride over their few and mixed creatures… This, if anything, speaks undoubtedly a lot about junk-cultures intrinsic disorders and their consequences that have spread its stench filled with depression, loathing and death against this world far too long. Apparently are we lured and just “imagine” ourselves that all that the foes touch leads forward to the controlling stagnation and death for all valuable and high…

“The foes strife is still that all except themselves shall lack normal Knowledge and thereby the strength to still live on in the life-nourishing Truth about Yggdrasil.”

Their all too apparent mistakes and well-aimed deeds of violence are merely a ”big test” of all our love to our so lovable and continuously innocent foes. It is about trying out, with emptiest and most emotional words, your tenacity with a trust in over explicit lies that consciously cowardly and in double-dealing hide in their pornography. The foes’ junk-culture wants to claim being a testing of the forced down to extreme lack of knowledge; a non-life in the utmost degradations’ steady grip. A kind of “test” of their insufficient love-feelings and weak minds where the profit sadly is relinquished all higher and valuable experiences, knowledge and ― Reality itself. The darkness is concrete in the Middleperiod when our foes seriously have managed to portray themselves as “the good and intelligent helpers” to anyone; the clearest evidence that this world now is in much sadly retarded and filthy.
The several layered frauds in junk-culture are pitiful and powerless and cannot give any insights. The foes’ junk is produced for the purpose of counteracting that normal sense and insight into the casual connections in Yggdrasil, and the other parts inside Universe reality, are hindered by widespread dumbness. Most in these now affected; with misguided hatred filled non-society’s, fooled into thinking that life lacks all meaningfulness and that their lives are completely worthless for a higher life; and that nothing that is true exists…, so one may then freely imagine what one wants… Recognize that this non-thinking is a deadly poison left from the foes’ pens and filthiest wishes.


The well-known manipulations with all its untruths and awkward non sequitur in the foes’ controlling “religion-ideologies” can of course never ever lead forward to any “goodness”, or any kind of real betterments for humanity. This notwithstanding what anyone wishes to claim, which already is over explicit for many since long ago. But sadly has the perception all too often come far behind when the defect constructions already lost its short life-time and been all too soiled; and replaced with other similar constructions. But, many are still trapped as prisoners in the “choice” between the foes’ designated non-choices forward to the wished for worthlessness free from all morality and right.
Many have gotten their property and rights stolen or bought through swindles. This is something that long has continued since the foes with very simple sorcery plundered many employers to with dumped prices sell away their ideas and profitable companies. Also, whole countries have been forced down to be more easily controlled products in invalid constructed “nations” and “states” where much insight over the might and control, has been lost from the hands of the people themselves.
If anything at all is a natural healthy behaviour then it is that no healthy human works against himself, or seeks to drag down oneself and one’s own people and land in a retarded belief that this would be for the better in any kind of way.
The twisted, detached and passivizing in the foes’ sect-teachings and constructions is written in the thought that they always shall be able trying to take over and be in leading positions at the falsely “conflicting” sides and thereby control and shape perversions in the emotional life where sorrow, gladness, love, will and hatred, are steered when and to where the foes want and against who they wish, something that the thralldom non-societies suffer silently, and often naively uncomprehensive with under a long time. The tactic works disquieting well and is used constantly and everywhere against our world.
The forced down in this world are constantly the only losers which are pained and used by the foes in a close to incomprehensible degree, as these wretched have been forced down and tricked that our foe is the good side for them… And the result is that these not know anything important, and cannot either do something valuable while they express their condition with; “Nobody is more than me and because of that no one else knows anything, so why should one change and become a real human with normal dignity and a working healthy intellect? One can still imagine that one is worthy, respected, enlightened and intelligent, if one should want that. That is my own truth.” No, that’s really not any kind of own truth…


Try to encompass the fact that our foes have with threats, violence and manipulations placed large parts of the Western world farthest down in the food chain in the Universe since several hundreds of years; at the same time these unimaginable tortured Folk tragicomically enough have imagined that they are the leaders in this world, all the while they work hard at building up the foes with the infiltrated government’s support. The Western world is used from the inside for a front in different ways to break down also other Folk to become non-Tru and frighteningly ignorant societies with the highest unwanted rectification and a completely defect thinking there the foes’ lies are reality, meaning Illusion, this while the inner in all Folk is hacked up to not be able to understand anything at all about their lives and Life at large.
The immigration the foes aim at the Western world is of course a weapon that is thought to save the foes’ lives with its debilitating of morality, strength and will. The constant attacks and the plundering of “The Western world” are neglected and kept silent by the foes and their tied thralls in propagandist nonsense, but ventilated briefly at times in their controlled media in order that no revolt could occur among the healthily dissatisfied. Many of these “immigrants” have been imagined that they have debts to collect from the Folk in Europe, all the while the scum in Europe have been lured into thinking that they have a debt to pay for our foes’ atrocities and manipulations.
(Take good notice that forged documents, often rewritten, are used for aiming hatred against The Culture and The Folk in all parts of our world.)
Now all time goes to waste for the affected with consuming the junk in the foes propaganda; to thereafter use the Folk’s taxpayers by the unknowing Folk chosen by the horrifically unknowing Folk to build up non-societies that only support the junk-culture; which fights against all high and right in the inner and outer.
The foes are our parasites. We will hinder these or die.


You might be aware that I have two other blogs where I publish knowledge. These two need your kind assistance now, so use the links under here and show some support.




The insight regarding The Gods existence in Yggdrasil is the most basic and valuable knowledge for all beings in the Universe.

All human consciousness in this world will be cleansed with Knowledge and again retain a life with normal insight, will for life and clarity. As long as we live is Knowledge; the Gods’ Answers and our inner, free and according to natural laws in blood and Önd, what we always will treasure and harbour; to our sole accessible might, gladness and freedom, with The Gods in the War of all Wars. Reality’s return in The New Time gives that we can fulfill wishes about our own sufficiency and reach up to free live on in a normal dignity.


The found clean parts from The Culture in our ruins and scriptures; that have been found in all the high cultures traces after The Gods and their children’s new times in all our parts of this world, are us now what this world owns in a material culture value, with few exceptions.
(That The Heritage isn’t allowed peace from the foes’ filthy hands is well-known, but it’s now important to point out, and to hold in mind: All negative influence by the manipulations has a fiendish cause.)

For certain is that there has been made a great deal that handles The Culture even in the hardest afflicted parts in this world, and that some of it is good enough to hesitate calling it junk-culture. In The New Time Viet can bring forth older and newer material from clean sources and in good time throw away all that has had any involvement with any wrongdoings. All those since long spread wrongful imaginations regarding what The Worlds, The Gods and Life are, have now done that a large part of humanity, for the last time, must be taught with normal Knowledge regarding Reality.

“Reality’s return in The New Time gives that we can fulfill wishes about our own sufficiency and reach up to free live on in a normal dignity.”

The Folk are made after The Gods with The Culture as the core in all our existences. So, when clear and precise Knowledge of Reality becomes mistrusted so has this, which clearly can be seen in this Middle-period of time, left large parts of humanity deranged and in dying. The will to be oneself and cleaned get to live after one’s own adapted and born within culture is every freed existence a solid right. Knows one not where one has been and what the self is, so will one’s life become worth nothing in such a dead-born and futile condition. Wants it to be let on that it is about an egoism to become oneself and wish all The Gods Folk free to become themselves, as well as counteract those who constantly search to degrade and kill us, so let us then all be deeply guilty to a rightfully aimed hatred and healthy egoism.
We own the rights to our inner-outer life-abilities; that can free humanity to be fully restored as fully worthy beings.
The Culture from The Gods is all in our lives and we will reach our final victory in Life.


That all greater intelligences have dedicated their lives to reach up on the ladder in The Higher Art for thousands of years, tells us undoubtedly something regarding the value and use with owning our own force. In the present are obviousness regarding the two available forces; the own force and Megin, and the differently inherited abilities, met with hesitation and questioning; which would be healthy and highly wished for if now the questioning was not an expression for a forced lack of knowledge and is a contributing cause to this world’s inner-outer sickness.

“Without us the foes would have taken all higher life here long ago.”

To sense when one is watched is to have sufficient ability of perception. Likewise, from the other direction; being able to send force that can be sensed by others. This done non-consciously or not. To see light or darkness in others eyes, or in one’s own eyes in a mirror or caught on a photography, is about seeing a simple time-travelling we all can do by fasten the memory on that present moment in time. To gather energy inside and manage to work, protect the self, or send energies, is at this low level for all of us common. That this shows the basics in The Higher Art is clear enough. These abilities have all humans normally and we can call this “real magic”, and we would then be right. It is time for this world to state a plentiful and united progress, regardless that the shallow “science” now cannot reach to what we actually do know.
It’s true that The Higher Art hold greater abilities and gifts for us who have and take a larger burdensome responsibility for others’ lives and are kind hearted helpers.
Since thousands of years are we with the higher knowledges in Knowledge, and with normal insights intact, the only help and life savers the Folk in our world have present. Without us the foes would have taken all higher life here long ago.


Certain is that Reality is set above our existences own wishes and that Reality is in us, and also outside us all, in a temporary and receptive wholeness and can be learned to the healthy and mature.
It has been said before: One who is worthy in the eyes of The Gods are always valuable in Life, for traditions and Truth are the very core and makings for human life in this our world; as well as far out in other parts of the Universe.
It is now always a question about might and status to reach, or hold on to, our value and our freedom. To want to contend something other than the realities of the War of all Wars is ridiculously ignorant and the gathered aim is to assure our rightful might.

The end goal in this our existence is now set to reach forward to Ragnarok.
All shall do their sufficient part for their existence in the War of all Wars, or succumb