Insikten angående Makternas existens i Yggdrasil är den mest grundläggande och värdefullaste kunskapen för samtliga varelser i Universum.
Allt mänskligt medvetande i denna värld kommer att renas med Vetandet och åter uppnå ett liv med normal insikt, livsvilja och klarsyn.

Så länge vi lever är Vetandet; Gudarnas Svar och våra inre, fria och naturenliga lagar i blod och Önd, det vi alltid ska vårda och hägna; till vår enda tillgängliga makt, glädje och frihet, med Gudarna i Striden.

Verklighetens återkomst i Den Nya Tiden ger att vi kan uppfylla önskningar om vår egen tillräcklighet och uppnå att fria leva vidare i en normal värdighet.

De upphittade bitarna från Gudakulturens renhet i våra ruiner och skrifter; vilka har återfunnits i samtliga högkulturernas spår efter Gudarna och deras folkslags nya tider i samtliga våra världsdelar, är oss nu det enda denna värld äger i ett materiellt kulturvärde, med några få undantag.
(Att Arvet inte får vara ifred från fiendens smutsiga händer är välkänt, men det är nu viktigt att påpeka, och även hålla i minnet: All negativ påverkan med manipulationer har en fientlig orsak.)

Visst är att det har framställts mycket som hanterar Kulturen även i de hårdast drabbade delarna i denna värld, och att en del av det är så pass godkänt att man tvekar att kalla det för skräpkultur. I Den Nya Tiden kan Viet lämna fram äldre och nyare material från rena källor och i god tid kasta bort allt som har haft någon beröring med några felaktigheter. Alla dessa sedan länge spridda felaktiga inbillningar om vad Världarna, Gudarna och Livet innebär, har nu gjort att en stor del av mänskligheten en sista gång måste läras med normalt Vetande om Verkligheten.

Folkslagen är formade efter Gudarna med Kulturen till grund i allas vår existens. Så när klart och tydligt Vetande om Verkligheten blir misstrott så har detta, vilket tydligt kan synas i denna mellantid, lämnat stora delar av samtliga folkslag störda och döende. Viljan att vara sig själv och renad få leva efter sin egen anpassade och medfödda kultur är varje fri existens en gedigen självklarhet. Vet man inte var man har varit och vad man själv är så blir ens liv värt noll i ett sådant dödfött och innehållslöst tillstånd. Vill det påskinas att det handlar om en egoism att bli till sig själv och att önska alla Gudarnas folkslag fria till att bli sig själva, samt att motverka de vilka ständigt söker efter att deklassera och döda oss, så låt oss då samtliga vara djupt skyldiga till rättvist riktat hat och en sund egoism.
Vi äger rättigheterna till våra inre-yttre livsförmågor; vilka kan frigöra mänskligheten till att fullständigt återupprättas som fullvärdiga varelser.
Kulturen från Gudarna är allt i våra liv och vi ska nå vår slutgiltiga Seger i Livet.

Att samtliga större intelligenser har tillägnat sitt liv till att nå upp på trappstegen i Den Högre Konsten i årtusenden, säger oss onekligen en del om värdet och nyttan med att äga en egen kraft. I nuet möts självklarheter angående de två tillgängliga krafterna (Den egna kraften och Megin.) och de olikt ärvda förmågorna, med tvivel och ifrågasättanden, vilket skulle vara sunt och högst önskvärt om nu frågorna inte var ett uttryck för en påtvingad okunnighet och är en bidragande orsak till denna världs inre-yttre sjukdomar.
Att känna när man blir iakttagen är att ha tillräcklig perceptionsförmåga. Likaså, från det andra hållet; att kunna sända sin kraft så att den känns i andra. Detta omedvetet eller inte. Att se ljus eller mörker i andras ögon, eller i sina egna ögon via en spegel eller infångat på ett fotografi, handlar om att se en enkel tidsförflyttning vi alla kan göra genom att fästa minnet på den aktuella tidpunkten. Att spara energi i sig själv och att kunna orka arbeta, skydda sig, eller sända energier, är på denna låga nivå oss alla vardagligt. Att detta påvisar grunden i Den Högre Konsten är tydligt nog. Dessa förmågor har alla människor normalt och vi kan kalla detta för “verklig magi”, och vi har då rätt. Det är dags för denna värld att konstatera åtskilligt och enad gå vidare, oaktat att den ytliga “vetenskapen” nu inte kan nå till vad vi faktiskt vet.

Det är sant att Den Högre Konstens större förmågor och gåvor är till för oss vilka har och tar ett större betungande ansvar för andras liv och är godhjärtade hjälpare.

Sedan tusentals år är vi med de högre kunskaperna i Vetandet, och med normala insikter intakta, den enda hjälpen och livräddarna folkslagen i vår värld har närvarande. Utan oss så hade våra fiender tagit allt högre liv här för länge sedan.

Självklart är att Verkligheten är överställd våra existensers enskilda önskningar och att Verkligheten finns i oss, och även utanför oss alla, i en tillfällig och påverkbar helhet och kan inläras till de friska och mogna.
Det har sagts tidigare: Den som är värdig inför Gudarna är alltid värdefull i Livet, då Seden och Sanningen är själva grunden och förutsättningen för mänskligt liv i denna vår värld; så även långt ute i andra delar av Universum.

Det är nu alltid en fråga om makt och status för att nå till, eller kvarhålla, vårt värde och vår frihet. Att vilja hävda någonting annat än Stridens realiteter är löjeväckande okunnigt och det gemensamma målet är att säkerställa vår rättvisa makt.

Slutmålet i denna vår existens är nu inriktad till att nå fram till Ragnarök.

Alla ska göra sin tillräckliga del för sin existens i Striden, eller gå under.


Acknowledging my honour and sweetest high-lineage,

I stop smoothing over my well-deserved nuisance:


Scoffing at the revolting; useless to this world,

remaining in solved questions and hardened riddles.


Agreeing with truisms and people’s will,

when that fully and gratuitously has been attended.


Stabbing dead meaningless opinions!

Axing down bumptious pretences!

Leaving sense against wicked deeds!


Gather thoughtful goods:

Know that Truth, Honour and the Rights of Might,

don’t serve our foes as weaponry

as all here now is owned by Viet.


Reasons for an honourable Life is Life’s claim


Remember that rich owns the Light:

Caring for Life’s Goodness;

path to insight and dearest life value.


Truth is our sufficient property.








“But say, wouldn’t you let dumbness amuse,
be fooled to lack responsibility for yourself
and be struck dead for the rest of your life
like others? Like a normal funny farm being.”

Seating myself sternly down and answering:

Find here your hardest eye-meeting.

Misled, into qualm and anguish thrown,
stuffed yourself thrall-bound with all that is indigestible.

Do you know that every dumb thing gets your applause,
but scum’s trash is all that scum will beget in return?

Searching inside after something called nothing to express?
Wrapping thoughtlessness around deranged and led opinions?
Foolishly smiling indulgently when impropriety and foulness appear?

Your turbid thoughts now cling after some doubt
in a strained smile fooled away from sanity,
so consider that weak-hearted is wrong
and filth always did harden your ugliness.

You have already enough to suffer from;
that thoughts are counted as your deeds’ freedom
and that need would strengthen or break down,
but it will become an insight of an inner unchanged.

Our foes construct barriers against the Life we do own,
setting in and leading your undignified wrong choices,
wrapping steadfast rotten meek in your “free will’s causes”,
twisting wishful thinking and gnawing down all will and lust,
axing onward your “self-deception” at our lives expenses
there “open-minded” will quickest possible be very shallow
when “acceptance” means to be carved with the defects of others.

It is certain that your inner and outer blemishes are laid brickwork.

Cry my tears for a while,
but now carefully note that you are the cause.



Raising up a monument

over an exception in excess and far above,
one who refused to own wrongs, but was robbed for far more

Well, it is clear that Man harbours here; there Worlds see:

“Am after repute active in other places
and that is surely more than a clue hereabout…

The years took me too early inside of current futures
therein true visions lived when near was;
but never really was lived.”

We agree upon refusing the revolting parts of the whole,
so doomed are to us the unwanted: All those coerced roads.




… IN LIGHT! Settling my death with my foes death.

… IN DARKNESS! Becoming an avoiding ghost.

… IN LIFE! I am pleased and drunk with victory.



Life in our world is the Aesir’s to rule over and our trust in the Aesir is not any kind of “choice” to be able to consider. Humanity has inherited parts of the Aesir’s blood and might, thereby is the “choice” already made in us. Life itself here in Midgard is for the various Folk and their given and self-chosen traditions; as well as all higher culture exclusively is owned by us who follow The Gods awake and trusting in our world. Asatru is our lives’ all-encompassing obviousness.

We can also ascertain that the closer we are The Gods in our heritage so is therein the rightful might to be rewarded. This right is the blood in lineage from Odin; which of course also serves as the criteria for being a god, a megur, or a king. The higher bloodline these mentioned offspring got and was gifted with contains a higher life that must be protected from our foe; for all of our sake.

For The Gods themselves, as well as for all that are Odinists and Asatru, “racism” based on people’s inner and outer differences is not imaginable. That a certain loathing can exist between different beings is fully normal as the differences in the different animals we have parts of are natural foes. But, if one is healthy and honourable, that is to say; acting honestly and acceptably in front of the Gods and Life, there will normally be no cause to violate a rightful ownership of land and countries; that of course results in conflicts. Nor are there any reason to not accept single individuals if these act worthy in a Tru-tradition, in whatever special Folk or part of Folk these are thought to belong. That we all have good reason and really should hate and hinder our foe, as well as their control of the dupes; who thereby are made retarded. To hinder the fully aware parasites’ activities and other life-threatening existences, in whatever Folk they are part, is obviousness.

This world is owned by Odin and this fact encompasses our right identities and the real life’s construction and purpose. That he who has real honour and dignity gets the higher life to live and thereafter will live on in another world is surely something few can claim that they cannot understand fully?


Naturally many have lived with the Knowledge about the Mights, as well as “The Higher Art”, in all times and in all our parts in this world. These have reincarnated or been “first timers” with normal gifts or given enough to have been able to get Truth and have owned their own will, which sadly is relatively rare in the darkest age; the Middle-period, as of yet still occurring, at least outside the densely populated, and I compare with the nowadays in tears thrall-bound and retarded Europe and USA, so happily endowed Asia.

That we always shall show our respect to every individual that follows The Gods right and clean-hearted seeing as these are the only beings that have deserved any kind of honour and existence in this world, is us all a moral and right natural practice. (May be that no one can be fully filled with all Knowledge. With that said, no kind of imagining of an “all-knowing” is reachable for any existing being in the Universe. But, has one at least attempted to reach in to the self and actually obtained Knowledge inside then it is more than enough. Furthermore have the faithful to the Aesir almost as a rule owned an intellect large enough to honestly be able to acknowledge their flaws when they don’t remember, or are uncertain of details in their knowledge. This is in sharp contrast to what is common among the scum; to unknowingly and very injurious rabble on regarding things they are clueless about.)


All culture ― that is to say; all the activity humanity conducts on top of filling up basic needs ― is our property to protect and rule. The Culture is part of our own blood’s intelligence and its symbolic heart; here intended to fully be resurrected and hastily go forward with, as culture is a choice between life and death.

Our highest material and “immaterial” cultural values are in this world mostly found in the ruins and fragments from The Gods and humanity’s shared and valuable times. A conscious and higher being’s products will leave a clear “mark” inside them, without regards to how basic the execution may be. (Just look at this meagre article…) We know, or at least most sense it within, that objects and writing from The Gods times are far more alive; far more true, stronger and cleaner in their content. Simply because these artefacts and thoughts actually are that.


No Folk “worship” any waterways, trees, stones, animals or places, as if these would be “gods”… One the other hand some stones, holy trees, creeks and lakes where beings are or have shown are themselves venerated. As well as all holier animals are searched for to obtain their virtues and meeting-places there meetings with the spirits and beings occur are cared for, which surely must be healthy, not to speak of necessary to life in the human understanding between all that is living in our world and the other worlds. This is something that Viet will uphold. Sun, the other planets and different varieties of trees are very simple and obvious simile for The Gods; naturally as symbolism for their might and this is not The Gods themselves…, which shockingly the foe has managed to propagate forward and out of that there have sadly been shaped some real awkward fools.

Rituals and Blots are given to our shared world and an important lifeline as this show our participation together with our forefathers that remains here and is part of the Might. Our only life and its future is in need of that the rites are in unison with their functions; this for our and The Gods’ protection against our shared outer threats. This function with building power throughout the worlds can never be separated to become a division between an “inner”, or of all our outer reality. (The honour in to pre-maturely been taken up to a higher world:, that one’s cleanliness and value is wished by The Gods so greatly to be kept intact:, is of course a great gladness for every right-thinking being.)

Megin is a force from The Well. Megin is a power that can be obtained after a well-deserved deed. This force is not born within anyone. Our own power that can be built up through the retaining of energies is something wholly different. Our own saving of energy for our power can of course be viewed upon as holy when this is used right. But, Megin is to be given another kind of energy, which gives higher abilities and thereby far higher insights.


There is in many a fear, an obliged uncertainty, with to die away from the body. Death is a loss. You lose something and get something less to remain; something one already owned and had inside which will move forward in life, at least for some of us.

It is common and well-known how life after death functions. We have the world Asgard where all valuable beings and Folk from this world will gather, to this world’s only real comfort, gladness and protection. We can take with us copies of our clothes, jewelry and other things home to the other worlds. It is always rewarding to have a rightful ownership and knowledge on what is for our good use. Weapons as swords and intellectually giving or honourable works are always welcomed and useful. All matter has “spirit” and owns an Önd, but Önd is as also innate gift to inner wisdom and clarity that can be called a kind of higher awareness.


That we right now live here in Midgard, which really isn’t any more some kind of idyllic world that is sufficient in its present wholeness; this gives that we never should be lured to search among un-necessary and unintelligent philosophical material and worthless lower ideals that will directly work against Viet’s survival in the War of all Wars. To be “open” to our foes faked dumbness in silly ideologies, fake religions and other things is a straightforward suicide. This suicide will as well threaten your family and friends in their turn through you into a fate worse than few can imagine.
Sadly there can not be conducted any real and mature discussion about the condition in this world among the pitiful that do not even have sense enough inside to be Asatru. We can however confirm for those the fact that our world is by and large deceived to the core and is now in dire need to be helped up to a somewhat healthy normality. That this world’s hindered progression in all valuable areas for long periods were and are a cold calculated mass murder on the Folk is just a starter to realize. There is a much that must be clarified as soon as possible if the unknowing will ever be able to live as worthy human beings.

Midgard has long enough been forced to be undignified in many important life issues and is now in a ― mildly put ― repulsive and unruly state; which is a clear sign in the War of all Wars and in time itself, in the now coming Ragnarok.

Ownership of this world is the Aesir’s to handle through us. Anyone who lives here without giving their life to Allfather in the War is a piece of dead meat. Viet has the ownership, the rights and might in this world and nothing, except our death, can change this.
What matters now is to regain our own lives, our own history and live by the highest.