De indoktrinerade av fienden ser inte tydligt nog denna världs misslyckanden och katastrofen de deltagit i att driva fram. Förrädarna mot sina egna folk och länder tänker att de gör pengar och får betalt för att upprätthålla sin högst skenbara “status” i en falsk världsbild med falsk “etik och moral”, och när allt oundvikligen går överstyr: då har de nog själva ändå hunnit dö; “Så vad spelar någonting alls för roll egentligen?”

Politik, vetenskap, kultur, och allt du kan finna i vår ägda och svårt attackerade värld bottnar ytterst i “religion”. Allting hör ytterst samman i en röra, vilket inte betyder att vi ska godta sjukdomar av någon sort. Vilket osökt leder oss till…


Naturligtvis vet de flesta, även nere bland massan, att massan medvetet ljuger fiendens lögner i syftet att skydda vad de manipulerats fram till att inbillas är något positivt, då: “Vi vet ju vad som sker om vi blir arga och inte låter våra egna folk, kulturer och länder degraderas, mördas och “globaliseras”.”…

Det är tyvärr så att många har lurats att följa efter sin egoistiska och dödsbringande bekvämlighet grundad i rädsla och är så konflikträdda att de letar efter invändningar att hålla kvar sin djupa slummer, med alkohol, droger, dumhet, naivitet, tom produktivitet, eller annat liknande. Dessa har därmed svårt att förstå att det är kontrollerad propaganda vilket serveras dem dagligen som om jiddret vore fullt naturligt och korrekt att alla ska tycka och anse lögner vilka formar förutsättningarna för extrem självdestruktivitet ute i samhället är positiva. Dagligen sker ytterligare historieförfalskningar från fienden genom kontroll över köpta regeringar och media i vinklingar och utelämnande av verklig information vilket inte passar förtryckarnas agendor. (Ja, du vet det mesta av det här, men du har det ganska tryggt och trevligt just nu, i varje fall inlåst hemma. Så varför ens reagera?)

De verkligt grundlurade i en tro att Livet handlar om att vara “snäll” och “dela med sig” av alla kollektiva möjligheter och tillgångar, blundar hårt för att de själva och samhället utnyttjas psykologiskt och förnedras; de dras ner till fiendens önskade nivå där pågående “utbyte av folkslag” och medföljande massmord bara är en bagatell de sysselsatt sig med att söka efter i tusentals år. Fienden har med sin ondska visat sig vara för lågt stående för att få tillhöra någon värld. Dessa utomjordiska blandvarelser har ingenting av värde i sig, hur mycket de än blandar sig med våra folkslag så finns en ruttenhet, en obotlig blodtörst och falskhet i grunden vilket endast döden kan bota. De är Kosmos största skämt och samtidigt de mest hatade, oälskade och oönskade varelserna vilka någonsin har producerats fram.


Låt chocken över hur extremt avtrubbade och ointelligenta varelser kan luras till att bli ge extra ork att hämnas ditt eget förlorade liv, till att börja med. Det är definitivt tärande att se att nästan ingen bland De Utdömda massorna bryr sig det minsta om annat än att göda sin egoism och fjanta omkring i sin vardag för att upprätthålla sina tomma och hopplösa “liv”; då de känner att de själva är svikna och ingen bryr sig om dem.

Du drar upp dig själv ur träsket.
Jag kan bara ge dig kärlek med moraliskt stöd och kunskap.

Det är tillräckligt.


The higher consciousness is inside the fundamental Knowledge regarding the Gods and their Folk and the heritage that leads us all forward to our united aim for victory in the War of all Wars. The War is always at work; now mostly cowardly intervening in everything that can be found in this world, and as most very well know of: The Gods always work after the highest and final results. The Knowledge will be the durable state in the New Time; to which all of humanity gladly will stand.


The foes, certainly not undeservedly known as our parasites, have long dedicated themselves with triggering Midgard, so that the awaited return of the Gods and humanity’s New Time could look as if it’s a revolution against their parasitic work… Furthermore they wish to make this coming return of the Gods in this world as painful and incomprehensible for humanity as they possibly can. Their plan with their continuing slaughter, and that undeniably almost inconceivable degrading of people in all parts in this world; is to force the unknowing parts of humanity to remain down in their forced upon retarded state. This is sadly how awkward and undignified the state of this world has become and this is the cost an all too large part of this world got paid after being thralls beneath the foes constructions and filthy fake religions for hundreds of years.

The coming scenario with extreme pain and hatred coming from the insight over how the people of this world have been fooled and forced down will we be able to counteract for most, since it fully will be redeemed manifold with the returning of the Gods and our New Time.


The old well-known thefts of the Gods’ names and the attempts to dirty down our holy Tru have been used ruthlessly inside the still continuing demeanour of people’s identities, identities which often have been made into garbage by being named after the foes themselves; that would be after the undeniably lowest beings that sadly still exist. Know that the foes parasitic thefts can never be called time-honoured and for nothing be left alone with a dry and backwards narcissistic verification as if this was not to any of our concern. It’s at the very core a consciously planned and extreme defilement of our own lives and our life-sustaining honour. To sit silently and “accepting” the foes’ dirt shows an incredible resignation leading further into mental deficiency. The foes’ fakery with ridiculous “religions” and “ideologies” are considered by the most brainwashed to be in a constant and unshakable condition which you are forced to be guided by; in spite of that it lacks all of our rights and the true and sane Reality.

The foes’ lies will need to be exterminated in our world if we are to live in healthy societies and gain our own freedom. The retarded state which is forcing us to “accept” a non-life down in the foes’ faeces; such a living is truthfully heart-breaking and death would be, mildly put, much prefereable.

May our foes’ manipulations be exterminated at any cost. We will never forget or belittle the crimes against Viet in the Middle-period.




With the self-evident insight we share in the fact that the foes never can hide all of their crimes; nowhere near to enough of their committed crimes against our world, and their long thought out purpose is to try escaping our hate and our rightful All-might here. What now remain for us is to act with might before anything else. Parts of Midgard have long been consciously planned to be set in the worst imaginable self-defence just in time for the return of our New Time. This means that now even the high and moral principles healthy humans already own must immediately be relinquished and fully replaced with the far higher moral principles that the War of all Wars now demands from us.

We have already judged the responsible for these close to unimaginable crimes with all rights that exists and it is high time to deal out punishments on a larger scale. It is safe to say the foes now will pay the full price for their filthy crimes against the Gods and humanity’s shared rights. Any moron, who will let it shine that the foe acted in any kind of “self-defence” and because of that would become close to innocent to the extreme defilements and mass-slaughter on large parts of our world with crimes so gross and sickening that it impossibly can be formulated without becoming ill, that moron should not only open its eyes, in such a case it is necessary to get hold of a set of functioning eyes immediately.

The lower the foes try to set the Gods, the lower beneath the Gods they are to be seated themselves. This will clearly, and not without a certain comical effect, soon come to show… That dross had their strongest card in their parasitic talents and their survival in denying the Gods existence! How insane this sounds to us; large parts of humanity believed that their Gods don’t exist!


Up until Ragnarok the Knowledge is the only path that can be wandered in freedom in all of the worlds. The War of all Wars includes all of humanity and any other kind of choice to live does not exist.


The War has given us the Warriors of our world.

Time is now to sharpen our swords and our names to all our rewards.

The Gods might over life and death will remain here.




I finished this magazine an hour ago. It is articles and photography made into a magazine.


(Reblogged, rewritten and now included in THE SOLSTICE WELL.)

A writer writing about writing. How very original of me. You can skip by this article…

I have been writing some kind of poetry for over twenty years now and I clearly remember the first words penned down that were found a little too good to throw away. After that initial shock I gathered bits here and there, and it felt natural for me to write. I had to. It was really all I had at that time.

Initially, it was mostly about my personal suffering, what I could remember bits of and get hold of at that time, with my empty hope attached to it. Little did I acknowledge how bad my life really had been and were to become… I still write a bit like that today. I guess that it would be seen as very egoistic to do that kind of self-indulgence if I didn’t, big hearted as I am, include everyone and everything within that aspect of myself. Right? Right. I was walking around thinking and planning poetry in the supposedly intellectual town of Uppsala, and later in the supposedly “arty and semi-intellectual” part of Stockholm, Södermalm, for a few years. I did write some manuscripts that took forever and three or four days to make. Later on that got burnt up in mysterious fires, set by myself. I planned on starting up a small book publishing company as I have always been more attracted to planning the “business side” more than the actual writing. I think that at some point in my life, around fourteen years of age, I found it to be smarter to let others produce the normal junk and me mostly working with their junk instead. Sadly, few people did have interest in making their junk for me to handle at first, so I had to go down the drain first… (Story of my life.)

I never had the common thinking that if I take part in anything that it would have any shared part of me. The “guilt by association”, or if good a “shared status”. That is a retarded thinking, in most cases. Of course, if I did produce something negative with intent to harm or hurt something that is positive then it would be despicable. I guess, or rather I know, that I more just liked to picture myself as a writer than actually being one. I guess most writers do, the writing is not something any good writer like to do… I do try to avoid telling people that I write a bit, not only as I have published so little, it is more about the questions that follow suite. Also, the notion that if you write you must be really smart. I have a problem with that as I’m really dumb.

I often hear that most poets are amateurs, seeing that they rarely can sell enough to be called professional writers. This is mostly from people that seldom can find anything of value other than what kind of money something can bring; in order to set food on their table. Otherwise it is just air. They might be right in a sense. Anyway, this degeneration in sales of poetry is nothing to wonder about at all. Poetry today is mostly crap that has nothing interesting to say to anyone. And, it has been that way for hundreds of years due to the lack of Knowledge, a lack of everything really. That poetry has gone even more downhill since the Second World War ended is hardly worth noticing; that is just my universal and valid opinion. All these personal scribbling’s about love and suffering, all these simple and not knowledgeable thoughts on society and life, and all that plain nonsense that is thrown around in general, it is offending to me. For those that use poetry as a dumpster, where they with great exaggeration express “feelings”, really should start to search for other playgrounds as it deeply harms poetry. These “poets” have given up on poetry as the vehicle for Truth. Now they are writing poetry for the sake of writing and posing with it as “poetry”. Am I better than these described hazards? It is a question of reference points. Most do not understand, or care, what I write, but they will.

Have the poets given up to be the leaders for their folk? Do they try to be the teachers or would that just be impossible in today’s sad state of it all? We the poets; these visionaries, these Truth-seekers, the highest thinkers, the hunters in the ultimate quest to bring beauty, real freedom and Knowledge back to this world. Is it all lost as a goal for most to at least try? Is this a fait accompli? I personally see very little of interest in verse and rhyme, it is more or less the same silly melodies again and again, and then again. Most of versed and rhymed poetry is to be read like songs for children even if it deals with death and suffering. With free verse we have another problem. It is mostly just prose in hiding. Foul and boring. Have you heard anyone complain that poetry is boring? I have heard myself say that in my mind so many times now that it’s not even funny.

Strangely enough, other forms of literature, that all at some point in history have been derived from poetry, have much more impact on society at the moment. These are trends of little significance, I might add. The form is slightly different, but the content is more or less just boring dumb junk in all literature. I remember twenty years ago when I sent my poetry manuscripts (Under a taken name, as I was not really content with my writing at all. Still kind of wished to be published though…) to publishers; that they actually told me to write some kind of detective novels, or at least novels instead. Never. I wouldn’t defile myself with low class writing like that. Ha! Never! I guess I share this with most people that write poetry. We are so proud. (Well… I did write a “novel” that took me over two years to write, and was never really completed or seen by anybody other than me. That one is gone in a fire since long ago now. It was not a sell-out… I should have kept that one. Nah.)

I do see a real future for “poetry”. A future where it lyrically will never again be seen as just equal to the often empty lyrics made for music. Never to be seen upon as personal problems voiced by the angst-ridden in their need. Not as just some simple structures to please the simple minded sing-a-long-people with. Poetry will become a strong weapon against nothingness itself. I will of course be the leader. Where will you be?

(All irony to be found here is very unintentional.)